レア ОБЛАСТЬ についてモスクワの友人に照会したところ、次のような情報を得た。
- CK – UA0K
Chukotsky AO. I have not got contacts with UA0K for last 13 years.
It is northern region with very harsh enviroment, located not so far from you.
- NO – UA1P
My last contact with UA1P was in 2010, I have got only 10 contacts in my log since 1991.
Most possible contacts with towns: Naryan-Mar, Amderma. Also could be IOTA expedition – Vaygach Island. It is northern region with few roads, many lakes, bogs, rivers. It is region with harsh enviroment.
- CN – UA6P
Chechnya was shaked by civil war around 20 years ago. I have got only 3 contacts in my log since 2011, all of them are SSB contacts.
Last year couple stations there have been active on 15m SSB, somewhere between 21210..21230 kHz, speaking Russian…
- IN – UA6Q
Ingushetiya located close to Chechnya. I have got only one contact in my log with R7QB on 15m SSB in 2014.
- KB – UA6X
Kabardino-Balkariya, UA6XES operating JT65, several stations can be found on 15m SSB, speaking Russian.
KB は既に QSO 済ではあるが、 CK は絶望的か。
他はロシア語での SSB しかないらしい・・・・
CK は JA の二倍の面積にたったの 5 万人しか人口がないようだ。しかもソ連時代の半分以下ということらしい。
植生の生育期間は 80 〜 100 日程度で、七月の気温が 5°C .. 14°C というから、暖房無しでは済まされまい。 QRV どころでないのかも。